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Swiss Advisors 1973
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Februar 2023

Neue Niederlassung der VECO-Gruppe in Locarno, in Via della Pace 1a.

Im Jahr 2023 eröffnet VECO Invest SA eine weitere Niederlassung in Locarno an der Via della Pace 1a, in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Piazza Grande. Dieses Vorhaben hat das Ziel, die Expertise der VECO-Gruppe im Raum Locarno und die Dienstleistungen im Bereich Vermögensverwaltung sowie Family-Office für sowohl Schweizer als auch internationale Kunden zur Verfügung zu stellen.

> Pressemitteilung


December 2022

VECO Invest SA, portfolio manager and VECO Trustee SA, Trustee company have been licensed by FINMA.

A licence from the supervisory authority for portfolio managers and trustees is a seal of quality. VECO Group is proud to be part of the swiss industry in order to offer top quality services to swiss and internationals clients.

Business consulting

February 2022

Switzerland restart. Stronger than before.

Today Switzerland has decided to get out of the COVID emergency situation and to return to live, work and freedom.

Financial markets

October 2021

No time to die.

Update on the financial markets. Article available only in italian.

Tax consulting

June 2021

Succession and transfer of wealth.

How it is taxed in Switzerland, Italy, and in other countries. Analysis, comparison, and some reflections.

Business consulting

March 2021

The future is digital. Let's design it together

The VECO Group created a new branch of the company in 2019 dedicated to digitalization, with the goal of bringing the new digital culture into the Group.

Business consulting

February 2021

International Advisory

Business Opportunities in the United Arab Emirates.